The Wound Specialists
Treatment for wounds in various conditions.
Wound Evaluation at Bedside
At Immersive Soft Tissue Specialists, we specialize in providing advanced, personalized wound care that meets patients wherever they are—whether at home, in hospice care, or an assisted living facility. Our approach ensures that even the most challenging wounds receive the immediate and intensive care they need to heal. We understand that access to specialized treatment is critical, which is why we bring innovative therapies and expert care directly to the patient, helping to prevent hospitalizations and improve outcomes.
Are Your Patient's Wounds Not Healing?
- Reliable and Proven
We Have 25+years Of Experience To Give You Better
Wound Healing Results
One of Immersive Soft Tissue Specialists clinical wound specialist will conduct an in-service assessment where you will learn first hand about our comprehensive wound management program.
By registering your agency, you will have secure and direct access to our agency portal. There you will communicate with Wound MD, access / download patient reports, notes and images.
After Medicare Part B has been established, you can refer patients through our agency portal software. Your agency can easily monitor the healing progress of all your patients under our care.
Your patient will be scheduled to be seen within 24 hours by one of our Clinical Wound Specialist. A detailed wound progress report will be generated within 12-24 hours and uploaded to the agency portal for your review.